Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions



This simple yet profound instruction is given by the writer of Hebrews. . . we are to keep our minds focused on Jesus, our apostle, the One sent from God.

Offspring of David

Offspring of David

David, the great king, died, but Jesus defeated death itself by rising from the grave.

King of Kings

King of Kings

God is not only our King; he alone is supreme, the “blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.”



Jesus is the mediator, the go-between, the intercessor. There is only one God and only one way to spend eternity with him: The Mediator—Christ Jesus.

Head of the Church

Head of the Church

The church participates in all the spiritual blessings provided for us by Jesus. He made it clear that he would build his church, and the gates of hell could not overcome it.



Today, believers proclaim that Jesus is their personal Lord. He is the One we love and follow. He is our master, the One in charge of our lives. The true believer proclaims: Jesus is Lord!