Daily Devotion


Ecclesiastes: Fearing God

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Daily Devotion, Ecclesiastes | 0 comments

This life is temporary, and every endeavor is fleeting. Solomon laments this fact throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. Life is like a breath, a vapor, like the fading smoke of what used to be a burning flame. Death marks a bold period at the end of life’s sentence. 

Good things, noble ventures, are in constant change. Time causes families who once filled up a whole row in church to take up fewer and fewer seats until, finally, a widow sits alone. Impactful careers end. Businesses close their doors or are sold to the highest bidder. Places of worship where people once lifted hands in praise are turned into breweries, apartments, or office buildings. A friend of mine often asks me, “Show me a church that is over a hundred years old and still making a significant impact for Jesus.” I have no doubt there may be a few, but his point is that life and the things of life are temporary. 

But…things are different for those who love Jesus. 

Ecclesiastes 3:14
I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.

The work of God and the work of God in our lives “endures forever.” We were made for better and bigger things than this life. The eternal God has placed eternity in our hearts. When we fear him—when we desire to love and honor him—we are living for eternity. Our time on this earth ends—leaving disappointment, sadness, and grief. But eternal things never end—providing contentment, meaning, and joy, today and forever. 

Take some time to contemplate the short span of life. 

Thank God that he has made you for eternity. 

Ask God to help you refocus your life on things that count for eternity. 

Father, help me to fear you. Help me to honor and love you with my time here on earth as I move toward eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


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