You are serving the Lord Christ! Fearing God is more than just morning devotions and weekend worship. He has given us the gift of life to love, respect, honor, and obey him…with all our might! Live for Jesus and live to the fullest.
Daily Devotion
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving – Marriage
Living well and leaving well demands that your marriage is tended to. If you are too busy to nourish and grow your marriage, you are too busy. Marriage is not only about a man and woman; in many cases, children are involved.
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving – Only God Satisfies Our Hearts
Nothing done to bring honor to ourselves will ever satisfy our hearts. Only God can do that. And with a heart satisfied by God alone, we can enjoy the great gift of life.
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving – Child of the King
Abundant life doesn’t start in heaven; it starts today! You are a child of the King, wearing his royal robes of righteousness, so live like a child of the King!
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving – Trust in God
In dark valleys, he is our Shepherd who leads us to safety. God can always be trusted in the uncertainties of living. And we can be sure that when we leave this life, he will deliver us safely home.
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving – To Die Well
A lion is the king of the jungle—an amazing creature demonstrating power and agility. But a dead lion loses his roar. Solomon says that a live dog is better off. Life provides opportunity. We could say it this way, life gives us the opportunity to die well.
Ecclesiastes: Living and Leaving
We live in a world that doesn’t make sense because this is not the way it’s supposed to be. Life “under the sun” is confusing. Throughout our study of Ecclesiastes, we have learned that there are things we will never understand.
Ecclesiastes: Injustice – Death
When we die, our soul returns to God, our loving Creator. He beckons us home to be with him forever. We will finally see justice because of the injustice that was placed on Jesus. No one spoke in his defense; there was no one to save him from the cross.
Ecclesiastes: Injustice – Weary of Life
It is Jesus alone that brings life to our souls and our minds. Read his Word. Listen to the hope that he brings. When our focus is on our newsfeed instead of Jesus, we will become weary of life.
Ecclesiastes: Injustice – Focus on Jesus
And when Solomon focuses on God and regains an eternal perspective, the doubts go away. He concludes that “the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7). Our doubts are alleviated when we focus on Jesus.
Ecclesiastes: Injustice – The Just Judge
For those whom Jesus has rescued, they will pass from death to life (John 5:24). They will be absent from the body, but present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8). The choice is clear. Trust Jesus, and live forever in heaven. Reject Jesus, live forever in hell. The just Judge will dispense justice to all.
Ecclesiastes: Injustice Confusion
God, what are you doing? What are you waiting for? Why won’t you bring justice today? What’s taking so long? Have you ever asked any of those questions, or maybe all those questions?