Road Rules: Loving Discipline

Road Rules: Loving Discipline

Have you ever heard it said of a person, “You just can’t tell them anything!”? Hopefully, the statement wasn’t aimed in your direction. There are people who refuse to listen. Their mind is made up. Their way is always the right way. Don’t dare insinuate they might be...
Road Rules: Stirring Up Anger

Road Rules: Stirring Up Anger

Proverbs 29:22 A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression. An angry man is not a person who gets angry—all of us get angry—but he is controlled by anger. You know the type. He is always railing about something—the government, the...
Road Rules: Holding Back

Road Rules: Holding Back

Let’s face it—we all get angry. When I get cut off by another driver, I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like praying for them. When someone does something to hurt my family, I am ready to take them on. When I hear, “Your call is important to us. Stay on the line. The next...
Road Rules: Ensnared in Anger

Road Rules: Ensnared in Anger

I have never seen a child who could get so angry so fast. If Thomas felt slighted in the least, his body would stiffen, his nostrils would flare, his eyes would glaze over, and in a matter of seconds, somebody would be at the wrong end of his fist! Only a few days...
Road Rules: The Product of Anger

Road Rules: The Product of Anger

Proverbs 30:33 For pressing milk produces curds, pressing the nose produces blood, and pressing anger produces strife. Churning. Twisting. Stirring. The friction of one object on another produces something. Sometimes, the product is good. I like butter. Sometimes the...
Road Rules: Slow to Anger

Road Rules: Slow to Anger

Okay, here’s what I need you to do. Ready? Clench your teeth. Got it? Now, flare your nostrils. Good. Hold it there…you are making the expression of anger. “Aph” is the Hebrew word we translate with the English word “angry.” Aph means “nostril” or “nose” or, in some...
Road Rules: Strong Confidence

Road Rules: Strong Confidence

After my second year of seminary, Lori and I spent a summer in northern Scotland, interning at a church just outside of Aberdeen. We spent our weekly day off driving around the countryside in a little Mini (this was before Minis were cool). Many of those trips...
Road Rules: Be Zealous, Not Jealous

Road Rules: Be Zealous, Not Jealous

Ever watch those shows about the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Their lives drip with money, cars, big homes, pools, and full-size gyms. I admit there are days when all that looks very appealing. A few days ago, I was vegging out watching a program about a couple...
Road Rules: The Joy of Hope

Road Rules: The Joy of Hope

In my growing-up years, I dreamed of playing professional baseball. But after my first year of competing at a college level, I came to a solemn realization that my prospects were not that great. There are certain “tools” you need in order to play at the next level....
Road Rules: Paths of Peace

Road Rules: Paths of Peace

Steve McNair was killed…by his lover. She shot the former All-Pro quarterback, husband, and father of four, four times. Then, she ended her life as well. What a sad story! What a reminder of Scripture’s relevant truth: A life of duplicity leads to destruction...
Worship: Loving Each Other

Worship: Loving Each Other Play in new window | Download | EmbedSitting in a high place among our most treasured possessions is our taste in music.  It often rules over our choice...
Road Rules: Sword Thrusts

Road Rules: Sword Thrusts

All I can say is—it hurt. The words came out direct and sharp, hitting the intended target. I laughed it off and pretended the comment didn’t matter, but I was bleeding inside. Those words have been ringing in my head for over twenty years. I have talked to the...
Worship: Loving Each Other

Worship: Respecting Each Other Play in new window | Download | EmbedA healthy spirit contributes to a healthy body. And there’s nothing more invigorating to our heart and soul than the balm of...