Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Refuge: Close To His Heart

Refuge: Close To His Heart

The Good Shepherd cares for his sheep. He leads them where the grass is lush. He leads them to clear, fresh streams. He protects them from the animals that would attack and kill. He keeps his flock together. Not one sheep is ever lost. He leads purposefully and gently. Sometimes he picks up the weak ones and holds them in his arms. He carries them close to his heart so they can hear it beat.

Refuge: The Sovereign Lord

Refuge: The Sovereign Lord

God’s sovereignty is the attribute by which he rules over all creation. To be sovereign, God must be all-knowing, all-powerful, and absolutely free. A. W. Tozer explains the reasons for this in The Knowledge of the Holy.

Refuge: Steadfast Trust

Refuge: Steadfast Trust

Satan comes with the “What if?” questions. “What if the surgery is not successful?” “What if the treatment doesn’t work?” “What if the cancer returns?” “What if he leaves?” “What if the counseling doesn’t help?” “What if she never comes back?” “What if my child walks away from God?” Satan knows that questions fill our minds and hearts with chaos.

Refuge: A Strong Fortress

Refuge: A Strong Fortress

Walls and towers were important parts of a biblical city’s protection. Many cities built high towers at the corners of their walls. These towers were hollow, with a staircase reaching to the top. Each served as a watchtower to spot invading armies and provide the defensive upper hand. The height placed archers at a distinct advantage as the enemy approached.

Refuge: Strong Confidence

Refuge: Strong Confidence

The fear of the Lord is not a cowering terror or dread. It is the honor and respect of the heavenly Father demonstrated by doing what he says. A person’s lip service does not equal an awe of God. It’s one’s obedience, even when no one else is looking, that confirms healthy fear.