Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Road Rules: Be Zealous, Not Jealous

Road Rules: Be Zealous, Not Jealous

Ever watch those shows about the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Their lives drip with money, cars, big homes, pools, and full-size gyms. I admit there are days when all that looks very appealing. A few days ago, I was vegging out watching a program about a couple shopping for a vacation home on a beautiful tropical island. The storyline follows them through the process of choosing between three houses. There are days when I would love to take a private jet and fly down to a vacation home on a beautiful tropical island.

Road Rules: The Joy of Hope

Road Rules: The Joy of Hope

In my growing-up years, I dreamed of playing professional baseball. But after my first year of competing at a college level, I came to a solemn realization that my prospects were not that great. There are certain “tools” you need in order to play at the next level. Hitting, throwing, running, and fielding must be at a high level. I took note of my speed, batting average, and arm strength and realized “below average” does not equal “advanced level.” But I must tell you, and I’m not bragging, my prospect as a Christian is secure.

Road Rules: Paths of Peace

Road Rules: Paths of Peace

Steve McNair was killed…by his lover. She shot the former All-Pro quarterback, husband, and father of four, four times. Then, she ended her life as well. What a sad story! What a reminder of Scripture’s relevant truth: A life of duplicity leads to destruction (Proverbs 11:3). But a life of wisdom…well, here’s what today’s proverb says.

Road Rules: Sword Thrusts

Road Rules: Sword Thrusts

All I can say is—it hurt. The words came out direct and sharp, hitting the intended target. I laughed it off and pretended the comment didn’t matter, but I was bleeding inside. Those words have been ringing in my head for over twenty years. I have talked to the individual. He barely remembers saying anything. He apologized. I need to get over it. But it is amazing how Satan has used that little episode in my life.

Road Rules: A Word in Season

Road Rules: A Word in Season

Do you ever wonder if anything you do makes an impact? I do. In fact, I was feeling that way not long ago. I wasn’t thinking of throwing in the towel or being emotionally distraught, but I was in a funk of discouragement. And that’s when God sent a “messenger” with a “word in season.”

Road Rules: A Kiss on the Lips

Road Rules: A Kiss on the Lips

A platonic peck on the cheek from your aunts is one thing; a kiss on the lips is quite another. It is reserved for the one you love. It communicates a deep affection. A kiss on the lips is delivered by your heart. So is an honest answer.