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Current Episode of The Journey Podcast

Today’s Daily Devotion

Road Rules: Loving Discipline

Road Rules: Loving Discipline

Have you ever heard it said of a person, “You just can’t tell them anything!”? Hopefully, the statement wasn’t aimed in your direction. There are people who refuse to listen. Their mind is made up. Their way is always the right way. Don’t dare insinuate they might be wrong. This attitude is a neon sign of pride. A humble person is open to correction. Our passage today says, “He who hates reproof is stupid.”

We would love to pray for you. If you would like prayer, please send us a message.

Ron, I start every day listening to your daily devotion. It helps me start my day. I lost my husband in August of 2020 at the young age of 50, and your daily devotion has really helped me cope. Thank you and God Bless!

- Angela

Click Here – Join Ron Moore on a 9-day Walking In The Footsteps of Paul & The Apostles Tour in Greece and Rome.

Experience Greece/Rome 2024 info

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