Dave and Missy Welker on an unexpected ending to a brilliant career and how God works even when we don’t understand.
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The Journey is a non-profit organization focused on Bible engagement, led by distinguished pastor and bible teacher, Ron Moore, with the mission to share the hope of Jesus.
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Current Episode of The Journey Podcast
Today’s Daily Devotion
Refuge: Never Shaken
Do you ever have nights when you can’t go to sleep? You toss and turn, and your mind begins to race. Then fear shows up. Anxiety is close behind. For those of you going through times of illness, nights can be the worst. While others sleep, nights are lonely times that invite your mind to entertain all the “what ifs,” and “what ifs” never bring comfort.
We would love to pray for you. If you would like prayer, please send us a message.
Ron, I start every day listening to your daily devotion. It helps me start my day. I lost my husband in August of 2020 at the young age of 50, and your daily devotion has really helped me cope. Thank you and God Bless!
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Refuge: Never Shaken
Do you ever have nights when you can’t go to sleep? You toss and turn, and your mind begins to race. Then fear shows up. Anxiety is close behind. For those of you going through times of illness, nights can be the worst. While others sleep, nights are lonely times that invite your mind to entertain all the “what ifs,” and “what ifs” never bring comfort.
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God’s knowledge is universal. God knows everything there is to know about everything there is to know. God’s knowledge of all things is complete. He doesn’t need to study; there is nothing for him to learn. He knows what will happen tomorrow and 100 years from tomorrow.