Harry and Susan Vilsack share the joys and challenges of life together for 58 years.

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Harry and Susan Vilsack share the joys and challenges of life together for 58 years.
What we do today impacts tomorrow. Our actions influence those around us, particularly our children and grandchildren. No one lives within themselves. Our lives and legacies, for better or worse, extend to future generations.
Dr. Ryan Cooper discusses his experience with burnout and how he recovered.
Dr. Ryan Cooper discusses his experience with burnout and how he recovered.
Jeff and Tricia Bradford on the journey of regret, forgiveness, and hope after an abortion.
When God makes a promise, he keeps it. The results come in his timing and way, but God always does what he says he will do. In today’s passage, Jacob repeated God’s promises as the patriarch blessed Joseph’s sons. Let’s work our way through Genesis 47-48.
The Christian life is a life of faith. I get that. I also know that Hebrews 11, the chapter in the Bible that shows what genuine faith looks like, lists eight people we’ve followed in Genesis. Through these individuals, we’ve learned that faith is not blind. God shows up repeatedly to confirm who he is and where he is taking us. We’ve seen this throughout our study and will again in today’s passage.
God is always at work. Sometimes, he works in the sunlight. Other times, he works in the shadows. He is continuously writing his story in our lives. Some chapters of our story are painful, and as we will see today in Genesis 45, God is actively present during those challenging times.
Ron, I start every day listening to your daily devotion. It helps me start my day. I lost my husband in August of 2020 at the young age of 50, and your daily devotion has really helped me cope. Thank you and God Bless!