Daily Devotion


The Righteous

by | Aug 3, 2018 | Daily Devotion, Psalms | 0 comments

Psalm 92:8-15
But you, LORD, are forever exalted. For surely your enemies, LORD, surely your enemies will perish; all evildoers will be scattered. You have exalted my horn like that of a wild ox; fine oils have been poured on me. My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes. The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”

The righteous. This is not a description of perfect people or even mostly perfect people. “The righteous” are those who live with a desire and commitment to please God. In the New Testament we have a clearer understanding that our righteousness is made possible by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

The righteous, the psalmist says, will be fruitful like a palm tree and strong like a cedar tree. Depending on God for strength, they will flourish. Even old age will not keep them from producing spiritual fruit. They will “stay fresh and green.”

The Lord is upright and clothes us with His righteousness. There is no wickedness in His person or in His actions. He is unable to do any wrong. He is an unmovable Rock. He is the anchor to which we cling. His righteousness will never wear out or be used up. In Christ we will forever be called the righteous.

Father, I stand righteous before You not because of what I have done but because of what You have done for me. Thank You for clothing me with Your righteousness now and forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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