Passing On

Passing On (daily-devotion): Play in new window | Download | Embed[expand title=”Devotion Text”]  The greatest heritage a parent can pass on to...
Six Ways to Mentor Respect

Six Ways to Mentor Respect

So…we want our children to grow up with the virtue of respect embedded in their hearts. How do we make that happen? How do we plow the ground for respect to grow? How do we mentor, model, and monitor respect? My friend, Dr. Robert Freado, has served as a teacher,...
Joseph Sold into Slavery

Joseph Sold into Slavery Play in new window | Download | EmbedFamily history and dynamics shape the faith and destiny of every member. The children often reflect their parent’s sins and...
Characteristics of a Godly Parent

Characteristics of a Godly Parent

A godly parent is a teacher, model and an unconditional friend. These responsibilities are like a three-legged stool. If one “leg” is missing, our effectiveness becomes minimal at best. Each “leg” is supported and held together by the Lord. A Teacher Our role as a...
These Are The Best of Times

These Are The Best of Times

Parents are exhausted these days.  Life is busy.  Let me share with you an experience I had when our kids were younger… I had been moaning about how busy things were. My job. The new baby. Soccer, softball, and baseball practices and games. School stuff. Yard work....