Daily Devotion



by | Apr 16, 2022 | Daily Devotion, Lent | 0 comments

Matthew 27:59-61

And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock. And he rolled a great stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb.

This was not what they had bargained for. The One who promised them life was dead. The One who spoke of saving others could not even save himself. How would he prepare those promised heavenly mansions when his body lay in a cold, damp tomb? Was this burial place the destination he meant when he said, “… where I am you may be also”? The grave was one location they would not need his help to find. Saturday was silent.

The early days with Jesus seemed full of promise. “Follow me” was enough for them to drop their nets, shut down their shops, and traverse the countryside with a man they hardly knew. His call was gripping, and watching him at work—witnessing the healings and hearing his teachings—filled their hearts with a sense of awe and wonder. If there had ever been any question, every day brought more proof that he was for real…until now. Saturday was silent.

Why would a man who claimed to be God’s Son remain silent before human authorities? How could one who resisted the temptations of Satan submit to the torment of soldiers? How could a man speak with such power and now refuse to register a defense? Why would a man who walked on water march to his death without a fight? How could a man who raised the dead…die? Confusion filled their hearts. Saturday was silent.

Lord Jesus, turn our hearts to you in our silent time of questions and doubts. In your name. Amen.



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