Daily Devotion


Road Rules: Verbal Sword Thrusts

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Daily Devotion, Road Rules | 0 comments

Proverbs 12:18
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

They feel like a sword thrust. That’s how Solomon described rash, reckless words. They come out of the lips but form way down in the heart, gaining momentum until propelled at the target. 

Some reckless words are premeditated. Like heat-seeking missiles, they are programmed to blow up on impact. Some are delivered in an emotional “discussion.” Then, during the back and forth, they creep up from the heart and finally escape—an unintentional sword thrust but a sword thrust, nonetheless. 

We must teach our children the power of words from their mouths or through their thumbs with Tic Tok, Instagram, texts, or Twitter. And, of course, an important part of teaching is show and tell. We must model what we teach! 

So, here’s the choice before us. Two types of words can come from our hearts and sound out through our mouths. One type will wound; the other will heal. One type will encourage; the other will inflict damage. One type will cause people to tune us out; the other will lead them to seek us out. One type will tear a heart apart; the other will put it back together. What choice will you make with your words? What will you teach your children?

Father, guard our tongues. May we be those who bring healing, encouragement, joy, and hope with our words. In Christ’s name. Amen.


Today’s Journey Message:


A Man and His Integrity – Part 2


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