Daily Devotion


Names of God: Christ

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Names of God | 0 comments

When Jesus was crucified, the disciples abandoned him and went into hiding. They feared that they would be next to hang on a cross. But then they saw the resurrected Lord! Shortly after that, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and empowered the disciples. Now filled with the Spirit, Peter let the people know they had crucified the Christ.

Acts 2:36
Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.

The word translated Christ in Greek refers to Jesus as the Anointed One, a name used over five hundred times in Scripture. Jewish believers referred to the Anointed One as the Messiah. In the Old Testament, a person was anointed with oil and set apart for God’s special purpose. The high priest was anointed with oil when he took office. The prophet Samuel anointed David as king.

Jesus was not anointed with oil but with the Holy Spirit at his baptism. He did not come to be an earthly king who would deliver Israel from their enemies. Jesus came to deliver people from their sins. He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One—fully God, fully man. Only God’s Anointed One can take away the sins of the world.

Thank you for sending your Son, the King of glory. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to die on the cross for my sin. Thank you for your heavenly kingdom, which was built for me to live with you in eternity.
In your name, I pray. Amen.


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