Daily Devotion


Caught Up in Fear

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Daily Devotion, Living Hope | 0 comments

What are you afraid of? What’s that thing that holds you back from being all that God wants you to be? Are you caught up in fear? Fear is an obstacle to your spiritual growth. It saturates the heart and permeates through families and to those within your network of influence. It is the cause of anxiety, terror, and dread. It causes us to run, engage, or stall (flight, fight, freeze).

It is easy for us to get caught up in the fears of the world. We can obsess over everything from the government to the economy. If there is not something today to get us riled up, we borrow from the unknowns of tomorrow. We live in a day when people, even believers, live in fear. But Peter directs us to a different course.

1 Peter 3:13-14
Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled….

As followers of Christ, we are not to buy into the fears of the world. We are not to “fear what they fear” (Isaiah 8:12). Our focus is to be on the Lord Almighty, the One who is holy. When our eyes are on God, we can live with Peter’s instruction, “Have no fear…nor be troubled….

Father, each one of us has a limited amount of time on this earth and a limited amount of energy. May we invest our time and energy in the things that count for eternity. Help us not buy into the fears of the world. Help us, instead, to honor and obey you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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