Daily Message


In Spirit and in Truth – Part 2

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Daily Broadcast, Worshiping God | 0 comments

God will not be worshipped in a box. Even a pretty one with colored windows and soaring arches does not impress Him. He’s looking for intimate and open and often messy places.

Ron Moore will be here in a moment to tell you where that’s found.


This Week's Resource

Have you ever happened upon an old, familiar trunk stored in the attic that you’d never opened? It had been there for years, a constant companion to your other family heirlooms, but to that point, unexplored.  Then one day, you had a look inside and discovered treasures you’d only dreamed of.  Items with a rich history that revealed more about you and your heritage than you ever knew existed.

Well, that’s a lot like the spiritual wealth found in the Lord’s Prayer. In his devotional, “More Than Words,” Ron Moore unlocks and opens this favorite biblical passage. There, in thirty daily meditations, he compares scripture with scripture to unveil the rich concepts the Lord Jesus intended for you to find and enjoy.

We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount.

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