Daily Message


Hashtag: Jesus

by | Mar 28, 2022 | #JESUS, Daily Broadcast | 0 comments

How closely are you following Jesus the Nazarene? Are you near enough to see the calloused hands that held a hammer and nails? Can you hear his voice both kind and commanding? Can you see the determination on his face to do the Father’s will?

Today Ron Moore begins a study of those features so you can know them and share them. Join him for an intimate walk with the Savior.


This Week's Resource

Why did Jesus have to die? Could he not have lived a long life, teaching mankind the ways of God, and then returned to his Father in glory? What was so necessary about the Cross and what does it mean for those separated from God?

The answer is found and examined in Ron Moore’s booklet titled Why did Christ Have to Die? There, supported by numerous scripture passages, Ron offers a clear explanation of the Gospel message.  It’s the Good News your loved ones need to hear.

Why did Christ Have to Die? is yours for a gift of any amount.

We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount.

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