Daily Devotion


Confronting My Fear – Death

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Confronting Fear, Daily Devotion | 0 comments

It seems to me that those who fear death the most are involved in life the least. They have focused their sights on the temporal things of the world. In essence, those who fear death, it seems, fear life and have prioritized self-indulgence for the remainder of their days. Slowing down and focusing on oneself is not Scripture’s perspective on life. Theologian J. I. Packer explains it this way.

Runners in a distance race, like jockeys in a horse race, always try to keep something in the reserve for the final sprint. And my contention is going to be that, so far as our bodily health allows, we should aim to be found running the last lap of the race, as we would say, flat out. The final sprint, so I urge, should be a sprint indeed.[1]

In his book Finishing the Course with Joy, Packer provides three insights for making an impact. Following are Packer’s points with my commentary.

  1. Live for God one day at a time.

    Remember Jesus’ parable about the wealthy man building bigger barns so he could eat, drink, and be merry. Little did he know that his last sip of wine for the night would be his last sip of wine for his life. Focus on glorifying God today and live as if it were your last.

  1. Live in the present moment.

    Packer says, “Nostalgia are unhappy habits, making for unrealism and discontent.”[2] God has great things for you today. Don’t miss them by being paralyzed by yesterday or worrying about tomorrow. Honor God today. Focus on what God has for you today. Remember, there are no guarantees for tomorrow.

  1. Live ready to go when Christ comes for you.

    2 Corinthians 5:10
    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

This is not a passage on judgment for heaven or hell. It is a passage reminding believers that we will stand before our Savior and give an account of our lives for him. That will be a solemn day. How you respond on that day will be determined by how you live today.

Help me live one day at a time for you. Help me glorify you in the present moment. And help me live today so I will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” when I stand before you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

[1] J. I. Packer, Finishing the Course with Joy (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway), 21.
[2] Ibid., 23.


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