Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Ecclesiastes: Injustice Confusion

Ecclesiastes: Injustice Confusion

God, what are you doing? What are you waiting for? Why won’t you bring justice today? What’s taking so long? Have you ever asked any of those questions, or maybe all those questions?

Ecclesiastes: Injustice and Eternal Justice

Ecclesiastes: Injustice and Eternal Justice

Just as there is a season for everything, there will be a time when God will make everything right. Paul explains that truth should cause men and women to turn from their wicked ways.

Ecclesiastes: Injustice

Ecclesiastes: Injustice

Life on earth is filled with injustice, described by the Scottish poet Robert Burns as “man’s inhumanity to man.” The oppressors come with all the power. The oppressed are left with no leverage, and Solomon repeats for emphasis that they have “no one to comfort them.” There is no denying that this life is unfair.

Ecclesiastes: Love

Ecclesiastes: Love

Love demonstrates the passion for getting the right job done. To make sacrifices for others and lay down the natural pride in one’s heart. Perfect love, of course, is only found in the person of Jesus. He demonstrated his unconditional love by dying for us on the cross…

Ecclesiastes: Hope

Ecclesiastes: Hope

Leaders should inspire and encourage us about a better tomorrow. They must provide vision and hope—confidence in where we are heading. “The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted. It belongs to the brave,” said Ronald Reagan running for president during a time of national malaise.

Ecclesiastes: Faith

Ecclesiastes: Faith

Faith is the commitment to be part of a story larger than yourself. A president must demonstrate faith in the ideals of our country and our Constitution. But the virtue of faith on a believer’s voting checklist goes deeper than that.