Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

Jesus approached the cross with joy! Think of that! With joy, he took our sins and paid the penalty so we could have eternal life. True joy is ours in Jesus!

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

In this fallen world, we are either directly or indirectly impacted by the sin of others. But in this under-the-sun life, Jesus brings the joy of an above-the-sun perspective. He is at work! That is the basis for real joy! 

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

All I Want for Christmas: Joy

In a world seeking identity, satisfaction, and security, only Jesus delivers true joy. The joy Jesus gives is not the momentary heartfelt happiness of opening a thoughtful Christmas present or, much better, watching our children and grandchildren open their gifts.

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

From the first moment of the miraculous conception, Jesus humbled himself. He was “made in human likeness” to die in our place on the cross. He gave his life as our substitute to make it possible for us to have peace with God.

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

There is no one like Jesus! Check out his resume in today’s passage. He is the One, the only One, who transforms chaos to peace.

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

All I Want for Christmas: Peace

Though Jesus had no need to repent and be cleansed from sin, his baptism was the first act that identified him with humanity’s sin and becoming our substitute. His work on the cross would bring us peace.