Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Family Strong

Family Strong

In today’s passage, Jesus puts marriage on the divine level. He looks each husband and wife in the eyes and says, “God has joined you together. Don’t mess it up” (My paraphrase). Marriage is not about a man and woman going through a ceremony, moving into a home with a white picket fence, and having a family.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning. This passage in Genesis is repeated by Jesus in the Gospels and Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning.

Family Strong

Family Strong

Homes have personalities. Some are warm and inviting. As soon as you walk in, you want to sit on the couch and relax. Others are cold. As soon as you walk in, you want to walk out. Some homes are fun. There is laughter, joking, and comfortable interaction. Some homes are wound so tight you can cut the tension with a knife. What’s your home like?

Family Strong

Family Strong

Parenting isn’t for sissies. In today’s world, it takes courage to speak and live out the truth of God’s Word. Godly parents are willing to do what’s best for their children, not what’s expedient or expected. The premier passage on parenting instructs every parent to keep God’s Word at the forefront of our thinking as a guide for keeping our family strong.