Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Family Strong

Family Strong

Yesterday we focused on the assignment that God gives every husband. And we emphasized that it is a very tall order! Every husband is to love his wife just as Christ loved the church. Today we’ll focus on the biblical instruction for wives from Ephesians 5. Let’s be receptive to understanding what is truly expected.

Family Strong

Family Strong

Building a strong family begins with strong marriages. Husbands, today’s passage is for you. I will warn you; this passage presents a tall task. And yet, this is the biblical model for every husband and father.

Family Strong

Family Strong

In today’s passage, Jesus puts marriage on the divine level. He looks each husband and wife in the eyes and says, “God has joined you together. Don’t mess it up” (My paraphrase). Marriage is not about a man and woman going through a ceremony, moving into a home with a white picket fence, and having a family.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning. This passage in Genesis is repeated by Jesus in the Gospels and Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning.

Family Strong

Family Strong

How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning.