Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Promises: Heart Strength

Promises: Heart Strength

In the English language, “hope” is a fuzzy word. It describes a wish or desire that something will happen or turn out a certain way. We might hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, but tomorrow brings a downpour. In our language, hope has no guarantees. In Scripture, “hope” is different.

Promises: My Time Is in Your Hands

Promises: My Time Is in Your Hands

God is in complete control of all things. His sovereignty is not delegated or shared. He is intimately involved in the day-to-day affairs of my life. My days are in his hands.

Promises: Strength and Shield

Promises: Strength and Shield

Ever feel like you don’t measure up? Ever feel like life’s assignment is way beyond your skill level? Convinced that you don’t have what it takes? You are not alone. The line of inadequacy stretches around the block, but you don’t have to stand stuck in the long line. Today’s passage tells us where to find real strength.

Promises: Wait for the Lord

Promises: Wait for the Lord

The fear of uncertainty causes us to run . . . fast. We run to places we think will bring comfort. We run to where the pain can be dulled, at least for a while. These are unhealthy destinations that deliver short-lived satisfaction and false hope. God has a different remedy for uncertainty. He tells us to stay put and wait for his confidence.

Promises: Never Have to be Afraid

Promises: Never Have to be Afraid

Thanks for taking the time to read these devotionals. At The Journey, we aim to help you engage in God’s Word. As we continue to consider Promises in the Psalms, we learn today that when we walk with Jesus, we never have to be afraid.

Promises: Friendship with God

Promises: Friendship with God

The great promises of God are found throughout Scripture from the Old Testament to the New. And…so many of the promises are found in the beautiful poetry of the psalms. Today’s psalm promises that we are friends with God.