Daily Message


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Welcome to a Life of Contentment

Welcome to a Life of Contentment

What is true contentment and what does it feel like? Ron Moore teaches you how to learn its secret and thereby find lasting satisfaction.

Welcome to a Life of Significance

Welcome to a Life of Significance

A legacy is not left in a snapshot. It is the sum-total of a life lived for self or for God or some combination of both. Today, Ron Moore outlines the life whose legacy stands the test of time and eternity.

Welcome to a Life of Connection

Welcome to a Life of Connection

If we’re to successfully scale the challenges of life we must be connected to Christ and other believers.  Without a firm union to both we will fall. On today’s podcast, Ron Moore helps us “rope-in” to our climbing partners so we can summit the peak...

Welcome to a Life of Freedom

Welcome to a Life of Freedom

Have the shackles of pain or circumstance left you feeling bereft of freedom?  Are you chained to past hurts and sins?  Did you know you can live in liberty bound by the former, while the latter can imprison you in a cell of your own making? On today’s podcast, Ron...

Welcome to a Life of Confidence

Welcome to a Life of Confidence

Are you sure?  It’s a question all of us have been asked, at one time or another, but it takes on greater importance when it’s your spiritual strength that’s at issue So today, with a special challenge to Moms, Ron Moore prepares you to answer with a firm; “Yes, I’m...

Welcome to a Life of Joy

Welcome to a Life of Joy

He was under house arrest…chained to centurions…living a life that everyone dreams about…his days filled with purpose and great joy. Today, Ron Moore shares the secret of living that kind of life, as demonstrated by the Apostle Paul, and outlined in a short...