Daily Devotion


Be Still and Listen

by | May 28, 2020 | Daily Devotion, Journey Through the Bible | 0 comments

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Job 33:12-14

But I tell you, in this you are not right, for God is greater than any mortal. Why do you complain to him that he responds to no one’s words? For God does speak–now one way, now another– though no one perceives it.

Job was spent. He was worn out from his suffering and worn down by the misplaced advice of his friends. In his despair, Job felt that God would not respond to him. He concluded that God was silent. Been there? There now?

A fourth person enters the narrative to address Job’s situation. His name is Elihu, and after a short introduction, he refutes Job’s thinking that God is silent. “For God does speak,” Elihu asserts, “now one way, now another – though no one perceives it.” The noise of life makes it hard to hear God speaking. But that doesn’t mean He is hushed. In fact, He often speaks most clearly in challenging times. As C. S. Lewis wrote, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world” (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain, Harper Collins. 2001).

Remember, God is not silent. He has not forgotten you. Be still and listen. Hear His whispers. Hear Him speaking. Hear Him shouting how much He loves you even in your pain. Hold on! Don’t give up! He’s coming to your rescue.

Father, I admit that there are times when it seems You are silent. Help me listen more closely. Help me get away from the noise. Calm my heart to hear Your whispers. Encourage my heart with Your shouts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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