Daily Message


Attack on the Structure: Relationships

by | May 9, 2023 | Culture, Daily Broadcast, Threats to the Family | 0 comments

Marriage is a package deal. The Bible details the three key ingredients of that package and why they cannot be successfully separated.

Today, Ron Moore shares those ingredients and what they mean to couples considering cohabitation.


This Week's Resource

Are you concerned about our society’s drift away from lifelong commitment in marriage?  Do you worry about that influence on your children’s view of matrimony? And just what is God’s design for marriage anyway?

Well, those concerns are addressed in Ron Moore’s helpful guide titled, “What the Bible says about Marriage.”

In this publication, Ron conducts a grace-filled examination of the contentious issues that are crippling our families and dividing our society.  Drawing from landmark studies and biblical instruction he offers encouragement for those seeking to build a God-honoring home.

We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount.

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