Daily Devotion


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Acts 12:7

And behold, an angel of the Lord stood next to him, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.” And the chains fell off his hands.

King Herod enjoyed pleasing people. And nothing pleased his people more than to watch Christians lose their heads. So, the king had Peter arrested. The night before his trial, Peter slept between two soldiers with his hands and feet in chains. Suddenly an angel appeared, the chains fell off, and Peter was freed from the prison. He headed for a home where he knew believers had gathered to pray for him. There was, no doubt, a great celebration when he walked through the door.

But Peter was not the only disciple arrested. A few days earlier, Herod arrested James and had him beheaded. Wait a second! How did that happen? Did the church forget to pray for James? Did they not pray long enough or hard enough? Certainly, there was no great celebration when this news reached the family and friends of James.

Why did Peter lose his chains and James lost his head? Why do some people “just miss” a tragic car accident and others are killed in a crash? Why does disease ravage one person’s body while another goes into remission? We don’t know…we may never know. But this we do know……God is perfect, and all his ways are perfect. He doesn’t make mistakes. He never acts arbitrarily but uses all things for His eternal purposes. Somehow, he works all things out for good for those who love him. Sometimes the only thing we can do is trust him even when we don’t understand. Can you do that? Can you trust him…even standing in the whirlwind of your questions?

Talking to God

Father, I admit that I don’t understand your ways. I don’t understand why (mention something that has happened or not happened that you are questioning in your life). But today I proclaim—I trust you! Even as I stand in the middle of my pain and questions—I trust you! Even though my finite mind does not allow me to understand, I know that you are working all things for my good. I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  


If you have prayed that prayer, I’d love to know and send you a free booklet called Unshakeable Faith in a Shaken World. Email at prayer@ronmoore.org.




Today on The Journey Broadcast:


Job Responds

1 Comment

  1. Lilieth Walters

    Thanks for the message I was blessed. Praise the Lord for his goodness and grace. Please send me the booklet. Thank you.


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