Daily Message


Anchored in Jesus

by | May 15, 2023 | Daily Broadcast | 0 comments

When the winds of adversity blow through your soul your first question is often the most unanswerable. The aching question, “why?”

Today, in a message to mothers, Ron Moore reveals a better question and the secret truth that will calm the furious storm in your heart.


This Week's Resource

Do voices of discouragement, doubt, and ridicule, from past and present, hound your days and gnaw at your sleep?

Those persistent taunts that question your abilities, wisdom, and resources can keep you from reaching your full potential in Christ.

In his booklet “Overcoming Doubt, Fear, and Discouragement” Ron Moore helps you to isolate the causes of such doubt and fear and defeat them in God’s strength.  There, you’ll discover an exciting new vision for the work Christ has prepared for you to do.

We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount.

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