Daily Devotion


Acknowledging the Battle

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Daily Devotion, Lent | 0 comments

Romans 7:14-15

For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin.  For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.

One summer, while in Panama, several of us hiked to the top of a mountain. We had two excellent guides. One led the way making sure the path was safe and sometimes making a new trail. The other stayed in the back, ensuring no one was left behind. We were going to the top…no doubt about that…but it was very muddy in places and very steep in other areas. At times my layers of clothes made me too hot, and other times I was cold in the morning wind. Along the way, we needed to stop and catch our breath. We made it to the top, but the journey had its struggles.

Life in the flesh has many similarities. Jesus has blazed the way, and the Holy Spirit makes certain that the good work started in us will be completed. But along the path, there will be trials and temptations. Some things will be out of our control. Some messes we will make all on our own. We will get to the top of the mountain by the power of the Holy Spirit. But we will make our journey in the flesh, and there will be battles along the way.

Jesus bore my sins in his body on the cross. He took on God’s wrath, ultimately dying as the perfect once-for-all sacrifice. When I place my faith in the risen Christ, I acknowledge him as my substitute and trust his work as complete. Jesus paid the penalty of my sin, so the debt of my sin is paid in full. I no longer live under the penalty of sin. My relationship with God is secure, and my final home is in heaven, but I am not there yet. The penalty of sin is gone, but the propensity to sin remains. In the flesh, I will struggle with temptation and my own weaknesses. It’s all part of the journey to the top.

Father, thank you for sending your Son to pay the penalty for my sin, and thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to walk with me on the journey home. Help me understand that my life on earth will have its battles, but you are always there to give me the strength and power to obediently overcome. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Today’s Journey Message:


The Principles of True Repentance – Part 2


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