Daily Devotion


A Treasured Possession

by | May 22, 2019 | Daily Devotion, Gospels | 0 comments

Matthew 13:44

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

You are God’s treasured possession! In Christ you are:






You are God’s work of art, His masterpiece. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to pay sin’s penalty just for YOU.

The man in today’s parable found a treasure and was willing to sell all he had to acquire it. In the same way, Jesus left the glories of heaven just for YOU. He gave everything—His life—in order to have YOU as His possession.

Think of what Jesus sacrificed for you. Think of what Jesus gave for you. You are a child of the King! Lift your head, your heart, and your life today like a child of the kingdom!

Lord Jesus, thank You for leaving heaven to walk on earth and die on a cross for me. Thank You for humbling Yourself all the way to the cross. Help me respond today with gratitude and praise. Help me to live like a child of the kingdom. In Your name I pray. Amen.



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The Fall


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