Daily Message


A Man and His Family

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Biblical Manhood, Daily Broadcast, Marriage, Men | 0 comments

What do sons and their fathers need in order to be equipped to lead their families?

That’s a crucial issue in today’s world and especially in today’s Church. So, Ron Moore and Men’s Pastor Tunch Ilkin are going to spend time addressing that topic and offering some practical insight for real men in the real world.


This Week's Resource

Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live.

Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage.

Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality.

We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount.

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