Names of God: Strong Tower

Names of God: Strong Tower

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Strong fortified walls from fifteen to twenty-five feet thick and twenty feet high surrounded ancient cities. Built into these walls were towers at each corner and at...
Names of God: Shield

Names of God: Shield

Ancient armies had two types of shields. A large shield was carried in one hand for full body protection. An army could huddle together and raise these shields over their heads as a defensive barrier when fiery arrows were falling from the sky. The shield carried in...
Names of God: Fortress

Names of God: Fortress

In the ancient world, communities were surrounded by fortified walls. The walls could be anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five feet thick. Often, there were two or three sets of walls—walls within walls, made of rough or cut stone, around twenty feet high. Huge gates,...
Names of God: Shelter

Names of God: Shelter

Sooner or later, everyone needs a safe place, a protected place—cover from a blasting storm. When the sleet of illness pelts your life, when the downpour of grief drenches your heart, when the winds of anxiety threaten to knock you down, you need a secret place, a...
Names of God: Refuge

Names of God: Refuge

The tornado hit hard. Trees were uprooted. Powerlines were down. And the bleachers where our baseball game was scheduled were destroyed. We huddled together in our dugout bench area, covering our heads with our baseball gloves. Once it seemed the worst was over, we...