Fresh Start: Meeting God

Fresh Start: Meeting God

Fresh starts come with each sunrise. They are not carried over from the day before. Remember the manna process in the Old Testament. The Israelites could only collect a day’s worth; the next day, they went back for more. That’s how it is with fresh starts. And our...
Episode 9 The Push of Perseverance

Episode 9 The Push of Perseverance

Ever feel like quitting? Ever feel like all the effort is not worth it? In this episode Lindsey Hanlon shows us what perseverance is all about as she shares her story as a Division I swimmer at the University of Pittsburgh and University of South Carolina, wife, mom,...


I often hear people say, “My goodness, with all the natural disasters around the world; the earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, and all the wars and threats of more to come, the craziness of our culture calling wrong right and right wrong, we have to be living in the...
Family Strong

Family Strong Play in new window | Download | EmbedSex is God’s idea. It was created and ordained by him. So, it’s not culture but God’s Word that gives us the guidelines for...
Family Strong

Family Strong Play in new window | Download | EmbedHow can we live family strong? There is no simple answer to that question, but, for sure, the place to start is in the...