Confronting My Fear – Surrender

Confronting My Fear – Surrender

Sin provides my greatest satisfaction apart from God. Sin is fun…for a time (Hebrews 11:25). It meets my fleshly desires. It gives me control. I think thoughts I want to think. I savor emotions that meet my needs. I do the things I want to do. Sin is all about me and...
Confronting My Fear – Surrender

Confronting My Fear – Surrender

What is God calling you to do? A closer walk with him? A new focus on your marriage? More spiritually intentional parenting? A new career? A new area of service? Are you following God’s call? Do you fear that saying “yes” to God will make you say “no” to something or...
When it Storms…Indoors

When it Storms…Indoors Play in new window | Download | EmbedHave you raised the gale warning flags over your heart? Determined to signal the anxiety-storm that rages out of sight and out of...