Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Knowing What We Believe

Knowing What We Believe

The early church was saturated with false teachers. To gain a hearing, they devised clever stories that would appeal to their listeners. To the intellectuals, they philosophized. To the emotional, they told stories that grabbed the heart. To the spiritually naive and immature, well, anything worked with them. False teachers always skipped a significant doctrine (or two), but they could sure draw a crowd, so Peter made it clear that his message about Jesus was as an eyewitness.

Last Letter

Last Letter

It is early in the morning as you sit down with pen and paper. Composing on a computer won’t do. You want these words to flow straight from your heart, personalized with your distinct handwriting. The end of your life is near, and you write knowing that you are expressing your last thoughts. What would you write in that letter? Here is what Peter writes in his final letter.

Eternal Certainty

Eternal Certainty

How can you know for sure that you are a true believer? How can you have certainty about your eternal home? These are key questions, and the answers focus on your spiritual growth. Here’s what Peter says in today’s passage.

Following Hard After Jesus

Following Hard After Jesus

I officiated a memorial service for Lois, a believer who followed hard after Jesus. One word that described her entire life was “service.” Not long before she died, her daughter-in-law took several of Lois’ great-grandchildren to visit her in a care facility. They became worried when she was not in her room and began searching for her. Finally, they found Lois at the end of a hall in her wheelchair, reading to a person who could not see.

A Joint Venture

A Joint Venture

Becoming a Christian is a free gift of grace. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. It is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. We were dead in our sins, and God breathed spiritual life into us. Salvation is of the Lord. But growing as a believer involves the power of the Holy Spirit in us and our personal commitment, desire, and ongoing discipline to grow.