Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Off With the Old

Off With the Old

He gives us the invitation to help others take off their grave clothes of guilt, unworthiness, legalism, pride, and baggage of the past—what a tremendous privilege. Jesus raises the dead and then lets us set the new believer free!

Life-Giving Power

Life-Giving Power

Our eternal spirits will join our resurrected bodies and meet the Lord in the air to be with him forever! Each of us will have our “Lazarus” moment.

Jesus Works in Our Present

Jesus Works in Our Present

Jesus offers us a future, and he works in our present. He sympathizes with our weaknesses and is there to meet the crying need of our hearts.

I Am the Resurrection

I Am the Resurrection

Through Jesus, we have the promise that death has no power over us. We simply pass from life, as we know it, to eternal life with the Lord.

God’s Plan

God’s Plan

Sometimes we have problems with God’s plan. We misunderstand what he is up to. We fear the danger. But Jesus’ plan is always bigger than ours.

God’s Timing

God’s Timing

You may feel like Jesus is holding out on you. You may feel like he is staying away during your time of need. I don’t know Jesus’ plan for you. I just know that his plan is bigger than yours and mine. Trust him.