Yearly Devotions


Journey Through The Gospels

Advent: Preparing for Jesus – Proof for Believing

Advent: Preparing for Jesus – Proof for Believing

Some promises from God are hard to believe. In fact, many—like this one, a baby born to parents past childbearing age—are outside the realm of human explanation. Christmas is filled with such miracles.

Keep Believing

Keep Believing

Maybe you can relate to the emotions of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Maybe a longing of your heart has not been fulfilled. I challenge you to keep believing. God is not finished writing your story. He may still meet the longing of your heart…or He may give you a new dream.

Preparing Yourself

Preparing Yourself

God has the same promise for you. He is working in your heart to do great things for Him. Every believer lives with the power of the Holy Spirit. You have everything you need to do what God has called you to do.

Taken Up

Taken Up

Whatever you are going through today, Jesus understands. Rejection. Disappointment. Death. Pain. Jesus has experienced your emotions and He wants to give you needed strength.

The Ascension Command

The Ascension Command

So, you have a couple of choices. You can sit, soak, and sour, or you can put passion into action and follow the command of Jesus. You know what you need to do…what you must do. What are you waiting for?



Wherever we go, we are never alone. Jesus is always with us, even to the end. That great promise is the exclamation point on the Great Commission.