Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Road Rules: What or Whom Do You Trust?

Road Rules: What or Whom Do You Trust?

Okay, truth game. I am going to ask you a question. Be honest with your answer. Ready? What do you trust in? What do you really trust in? Let me offer what I think are some of the top answers.

Road Rules: Self-Counsel

Road Rules: Self-Counsel

Self-counsel. It will get you into trouble every time. Left to ourselves, we can rationalize just about anything…even sin. Here are some examples of self-counsel that did not end well.

Road Rules: Bold and Brazen

Road Rules: Bold and Brazen

Here’s how the Proverbs describes the action of a wicked person in contrast to the person who is upright.

Road Rules: Man Plans. God Establishes.

Road Rules: Man Plans. God Establishes.

During a tough economy, his company was making money hand over fist. While others were struggling, he was thriving. His success was not surprising. The shrewd businessman had a long string of profitable years. He was wealthy…and he liked his money. The only thing he liked better than the money was making more money.

Road Rules: Integrity’s Security

Road Rules: Integrity’s Security

One problem with the consequences of sin is that you never know when the consequences will show up. The apostle Paul says that the sins of some people are clear and evident, “going before them to judgment” while “the sins of others appear later” (1 Timothy 5:24). But whether the consequences of sin show up now or later, make no mistake, “your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).