Daily Message


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Living Peaceably

Living Peaceably

Remember that childhood rhyme; “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me?” That was a lie. We knew then, and we know now, the damage intemperate words can do. So how do we drive them far from our lips? In this half-hour, Ron Moore gives sage...

Living Rightly

Living Rightly

Anger can serve you and it can be your master. In the latter case, it will steal your holiness, your joy, and even your health. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore shares scriptural wisdom for controlling your anger and making it your righteous servant.

Living Purely

Living Purely

We teach our children not to play with fire. We must be just as diligent to teach the dangers of sex. While it’s a needed and useful gift, fire can wound their bodies.  But playing with the gift of sex can burn their hearts and souls. With that in mind, today, Ron...

Living Honestly

Living Honestly

We love to quote John 8:32: “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” The problem is, telling the truth, being real, especially with friends, can be difficult. So today, Ron Moore teaches us, from the book of Proverbs, how to choose true friends...

Living Generously

Living Generously

We are an acquisitive culture. We acquire so much stuff that we don’t have room for it all. Storage companies love our constant acquisition…God, not so much. Today Ron Moore tells us of a better storage solution that begins with generosity.

Living Humbly

Living Humbly

What is humility, really? Must we think “little” of ourselves or is it something deeper, something shared with the Lord of creation? Today Ron Moore offers a definition and explanation that will draw you closer to Christ and help you practice his humility.