Daily Message


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The Worthy One

The Worthy One

Is it narrow-minded to follow the narrow way, to extol its exclusiveness and claim its truth? Or is it simply the wisest choice?

A Heavenly Picture

A Heavenly Picture

The keen eye of the artist takes in the scene before him and his hand sketches its outlines onto the canvas.

The Church at Laodicea

The Church at Laodicea

Riding high on the spiritual fence is a dangerous exercise. There’s a false sense of security up there when a fatal tumble is a more likely outcome.

The Church at Philadelphia

The Church at Philadelphia

At work and school, do you sometimes stand cold and alone in a storm of conflicting beliefs and values? A place where none have gone with you and still you follow?

The Church at Sardis

The Church at Sardis

The sanctuary is well appointed, the hymnals are plentiful and the instruments are finely tuned, but there is something unfinished…something vital…the light has never come on.

The Church in Thyatira

The Church in Thyatira

Combine the finest French perfumes and then add a dash of vinegar to the mix. Would you wear it to the ball…or even the ballgame?