Download Does the “toss-off” phrase “Praise the Lord” truly reflect a thankful heart or must there be more? What does authentic giving-of-thanks look like and what difference will it make in your spirit and your world? That’s Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour. At...
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CHANGED: Ignited by the Fire – Part 2
Download We love glittering things. And in our getting of them we celebrate the beautiful thing while too often missing its creator. The One who longs to know us and be known. With that in mind, today Ron Moore redirects our focus from the glittering gift to the...
CHANGED: Ignited by the Fire – Part 1
Download Living with boldness, and beyond yourself, is living as God intended. But that life will require His power and His presence. Without that the quest will fail. With it, you can turn the world upside down. Today Ron Moore shares that power and how you can...
CHANGED: Captivated by the Resurrected Christ
Download The Christian life is a spiritual “hall of wonders” with adventures down every corridor. And no one knows that better than those who first lived it. Every day held new experiences based in one, compelling motivation: their love for the risen Christ. Today...
Anchor in Peace
Download Gale force, anxious winds are blowing through our lives and souls. And they threaten to rip our spiritual sails to shreds. Ron Moore outlines three things we can do to protect our hearts and minds with everlasting peace.
Anchor in His Presence
Download There is a safe harbor. A spiritual place where you can shelter from the storm. There, though the winds of adversity rage, your anchor will hold fast and secure. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore provides coordinates to that port. Once you find it you’ll never...