Daily Message


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God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? – Part 1

God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? – Part 1

When life collapses around you…when you lie prostrate, beneath the weight of shattered dreams, a broken family, or sagging finances, there is one lesson that will ultimately free you. One truth that will light the darkness so you can see. That lesson—that truth is Ron...

God, Who are You in My Shaken World?

God, Who are You in My Shaken World?

Do you know the God who walks with you down this storm-tossed road?  Is He an anchor when pounding waves threaten to batter you into submission? Well, who you think God is when troubles crash into your life, is critical to conquering the storm. Today, Ron Moore...

God, Where are You in My Shaken World?

God, Where are You in My Shaken World?

Where is God when life’s tremors rattle the walls of your world? Does He care? Did He command the earthquake? Does your faith stand or falter? Those are the issues we all battle when pain fractures our hearts. Ron Moore begins an answer to those questions with a...

Encouragement in Hard Times – Part 9

Encouragement in Hard Times – Part 9

We continue with our discussion on the Sermon on the Mount, and learn that increasing our faith is a day-by-day process. Trust God for today. Join Ron Moore today on The Journey.

Encouragement in Hard Times – Part 7

Encouragement in Hard Times – Part 7

Continuing our study of Psalm 23, let's use this time to accentuate God's blessings in our lives, and never take them for granted. Join Ron Moore today on The Journey.