Daily Message


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Heaven – Part 1

Heaven – Part 1

Sometimes it’s the absence of things that make a place special…and even heavenly.

Judgment Day

Judgment Day

It’s a place we’d rather not dwell on…a vast, burning lake of eternal punishment. But if scripture is true, it’s a place that cries out for our attention.

A Thousand Years!

A Thousand Years!

Peace on Earth, in your lifetime, is possible, but only if you’re under the reign of the One who is peace.



The greatest sound ever to come from the lips of man will be a song of praise before the throne of God. There, millennia of pain and anguish will yield to a joyous celebration that never ends.

All Security Blankets Gone

All Security Blankets Gone

When all your religious, economic and creature comforts have been stripped away, what will remain? The answer to that question will determine your comfort, or lack thereof, in eternity.

The Seven Bowls

The Seven Bowls

Seven bowls. These seemingly benign vessels mark a tragic turning point in God’s patience with mankind.