Refuge: Not Guilty!

Refuge: Not Guilty!

The fear of insignificance arises when we compare ourselves to the standard of the world. However, when we realize that we have “peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us,” everything changes!

Fresh Start: Not Guilty!

Fresh Start: Not Guilty!

Do you ever watch those murder mystery series that follows the search for the killer and subsequent trial? The suspense comes when the evidence has been given, and everyone is waiting for the verdict from the jury. Can you imagine standing there waiting to hear the words— “guilty” or “not guilty”? In the next moments, your destiny is revealed—prison or freedom.

Refuge: My Fortress

Refuge: My Fortress

God finds me in the darkness, the place where fear of the unknown resides, but he doesn’t leave me there. He is my personal light, revealing the sin of my heart, showing my desperate need, and illuminating the right path to take.